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Forschungszentrum M400 am Standort Ludwigshafen - TV Service Portal
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Resarch Center M400 at Ludwigshafen site

Innovative pilot plant facility for catalyst and process development.

Located at the heart of the Verbund site in Ludwigshafen is the new pilot plant facility for catalyst and process development, the Research Center M400. It houses highly automated experimental facilities for efficient process development and testing of new process catalysts. Therefore a 60-year-old building was completely gutted and updated. The highlights of the modernized lab include modular construction of the testing facilities, the use of digital technologies to better visualize and manage the pilot plant facilities, and a digitalized working environment. This building will be the central hub for experimental work with automated pilot plants for liquid and gaseous substances.



Research Center M400 at Ludwigshafen site

Innovative pilot plant facility for catalyst and process ...
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Silke Buschulte-Ding
+49 621 60-48387
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