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25 Jahre Nachhaltigkeit bei BASF - TV Service Portal
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25 Years of Sustainability at BASF

1994 marked the beginning of BASF’s commitment to the concept of sustainability. The concept became one of the drivers of growth and has been an integral part of the purpose of the company since 2011:
We create chemistry for a sustainable future.

Implementation, management and transparency. These fields of action can be used to map the development of sustainability at BASF since 1994. But to what extent is the concept firmly ingrained in the company and integrated into its daily business? Which of its own instruments does BASF develop to effectively assess and manage sustainability? How has BASF opened its actions in the areas of economics, ecology and social commitment for discussion since 1994?

Discover how BASF has repeatedly set new benchmarks in these areas for the past 25 years!

Each of the three pillars of sustainability – economics, ecology and social commitment – have a long tradition at BASF. We have also compiled milestones in their respective development for you. In addition, we will provide a short look back at the origin of sustainability as a term.



Pioneers in Sustainability

1994 marked the beginning of BASF’s commitment to the concept of sustainability.

Past – present – future

BASF adopted its strategy “Vision 2010” in 1994 and oriented the company towards the principles of sustainable development.

25 Years Sustainability Strategy at BASF

Dr. Andreas Kicherer, Director Sustainability Strategy

25 Years Sustainability Strategy at BASF

Dr. Brigitte Dittrich-Krämer, Sustainability Relations

25 Years Sustainability Strategy at BASF

Dr. Peter Saling, Director Sustainability Methods

Central power plant

BASF Ludwigshafen’s central power plant with a gross electrical output of 496 MW and a heat output of 540 MW officially came on stream in 2005. The heat extraction corresponds to an hourly steam generation of 650 t for the ...

Sewage plant of BASF

BASF’s wastewater treatment plant is one of the largest in Europe and the largest wastewater treatment plant on the Rhine: It purifies a volume of water that would be created by some three million people in private households.
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Silke Buschulte-Ding
+49 621 60-48387
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