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BASF’s new Supercomputer QURIOSITY

BASF has selected Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) to build one of the world’s largest supercomputers for industrial chemical research. Quriosity is located at BASF's Ludwigshafen headquarters. Based on the latest generation of HPE Apollo 6000 systems, the new supercomputer will drive the digitalization of BASF's worldwide research.



Chemistry out of a supercomputer

The new BASF supercomputer is intended to find new chemical compounds and products that would otherwise remain undiscovered. Researchers and developers in particular were waiting eagerly for QURIOSITY – with its concentrated ...

The BASF Supercomputer Quriosity started

With a computing power of 1.75 petaflops, the new computer, called “Quriosity” following an online naming contest among employees, offers around 10 times the overall computing power previously available to BASF researchers.

BASF selects HPE to build one of the world's 100 most powerful computers

With the supercomputer, we will progress faster in our R&D activities, but also strengthening our innovation power.

BASF selects HPE to build supercomputer for global chemical research

We collaborate with innovative technology providers and start-ups in attractive joint projects

QURIOSITY is one of the TOP 100 of the most powerful supercomputers worldwide

The new HPE Apollo System supercomputer will help BASF reduce computer simulation and modeling times from months to days

BASF experts on location at Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)

Based on the latest generation of HPE Apollo 6000 systems, the new supercomputer will drive the digitalization of BASF's worldwide research.

Preparing and performing the LINPACK-Test

The new system will make it possible to answer complex questions and reduce the time required to obtain results from several months to days across all research areas.

Assembly of the individual components (time-lapse)

With this system architecture, a multitude of nodes can work simultaneously on highly complex tasks, dramatically reducing the processing time.
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Silke Buschulte-Ding
+49 621 60-48387
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