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BASF Verbundstandort Ludwigshafen (Deutschland) - Friesenheimer Insel - TV Service Portal
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BASF Verbund Site Ludwigshafen (Germany) - Friesenheim Island

Composite Ludwigshafen - Freisenheim Island

The Friesenheim Island section of BASF’s Verbund site in Ludwigshafen is home to 50 tanks that supply the production facilities with feedstocks. The butadiene plant produces up to 105,000 metric tons of butadiene per year. It is one of the central Verbund plants that are directly linked to both steam crackers.

With 10 square kilometers of works area in the heart of Europe, the Ludwigshafen composite is the largest integrated area of the chemical industry in the world. A dense network of over 160 production facilities provides good conditions for the production of complex and highly refined products.



Tank farm for butane / Inspection tour

There are five spherical tanks in the Friesenheim Island section of BASF’s Verbund site in Ludwigshafen which supply the production facilities with feedstocks. The tanks have a combined total capacity of around 7.5 million liters ...

Tank farm for petrochemicals

The Friesenheim Island section of BASF’s Verbund site in Ludwigshafen is home to 50 tanks that supply the production facilities with feedstocks. The tanks have a combined total capacity of around 350 million liters of ...

Butadiene plant / Maintenance

The butadiene plant in the Friesenheim Island section of BASF’s Verbund site in Ludwigshafen produces up to 105,000 metric tons of butadiene per year. It is one of the central Verbund plants that are directly linked to both steam ...

Butadiene plant / Safety tour

The butadiene plant in the Friesenheim Island section of BASF’s Verbund site in Ludwigshafen produces up to 105,000 metric tons of butadiene per year. It is one of the central Verbund plants that are directly linked to both steam ...

Pipe system / Inspection tour

Chemical technicians are carrying out an inspection of the pipeline network in the Friesenheim Island section of BASF’s Verbund site in Ludwigshafen. This pipeline bridge links the Friesenheim Island section with the main site in ...
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Silke Buschulte-Ding
+49 621 60-48387
TV, Photo, Corporate Film, Corporate Footage, TV Service