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Arbeiten in Pandemiezeiten – Mitarbeitenden-Stimmen weltweit - TV Service Portal
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Working in times of a pandemic – employee voices worldwide

The coronavirus pandemic is currently posing major challenges to many people and also to companies. The past months have demonstrated: only together can we succeed in overcoming this crisis. BASF sees itself well prepared. The well-being of the employees has the utmost priority for the company.

To fight against the spread of the corona virus, BASF has established crisis teams in all regions in which they operate in accordance with their pandemic preparedness plan. This approach allows the company to coordinate all the measures for employees, customers and partners and take into account the often very different situations in the different locations.



Working in times of a pandemic – employee voices worldwide

#TogetherWeCanDoIt: Employee voices on working in times of ...
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Silke Buschulte-Ding
+49 621 60-48387
TV, Photo, Corporate Film, Corporate Footage, TV Service